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Mar 25, 2018

The topic of this episode is “Spring Cleaning Your Life”…

So as you all know, SPRING is here – gosh it feels like the winter just came and went. I don’t know about you, but I feel like time has just been flying by!

I challenge all of you listening to do a major spring cleaning of your life NOW...and I'm not...

Mar 14, 2018

The topic of this episode is “Emotional Eating”.

Emotional eating = using eating as a way to shoo away negative emotions like stress, loneliness, fear, anger, boredom, and sadness.

These are all of the types of emotions we feel after a breakup. When you go through a heartbreak or some type of emotional trauma, you...

Mar 5, 2018

I was contacted by the people from the website – AMA stands for "Ask Me Anything"  - to see if I was interested in hosting my own ama. So, this is pretty self-explanatory - people go on this website and are able to ask you whatever they want over a set amount of time. Of course I said yes! It was a lot of...